Community Education Workshops:
Community Education Workshops
Introducing Our New Offering!
Based on invaluable feedback from our clients, referral sources, and partners, we've recognized a pressing need for education and support in various areas such as parenting, mental wellness, and school readiness.
At Birch Therapy, we're excited to collaborate with you to design workshops tailored to the specific needs of your audience. Our workshops and learning events can be customized to fit various time frames, including 90 minutes, two hours, or a half day, and can be scheduled for either morning or evening sessions.
We look forward to partnering with you to create enriching and informative workshops that address the unique needs of your community. Let's work together to empower and support those we serve!
Here are examples of workshop topics:
Parent Workshops
Kindergarten Readiness: Basic Child Development, the importance of free play, reading with your children, supporting their exploration and fostering emotional intelligence.
Middle School Readiness: Understanding normal brain development, encouraging low-cost risks, emotional regulation: both for child and caregiver, setting norms with technology.
High School Readiness: Again, brain development, understanding risk, natural need for autonomy, accepting failure, setting norms with technology, emotional regulation for parents, holding space for teens.
Understanding Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: An overview of the nature of anxiety, identifying the elements that contribute to anxiety, esp. the role of social media, fundamental understanding of how parents/caregivers can meet the needs of their anxious child.
Perfectionism: How to identify it, how to safeguard against it.
Children and Technology: Understanding the Research and Setting New Norms. Using Jonathan Haidt's book, The Anxious Generation as a guide, recognizing and securing an emotionally and developmentally appropriate community for children to thrive.
Workshops for Teachers - great option for Teacher Workdays!
Attachment in the Classroom - 2 hour overview of Circle of Security principles
Behavior is Communication - What are the Emotional Needs on the Circle? A deep dive into Chapter 2 of Circle of Security Classroom
The Continuing Emotional Impact of the Pandemic on Families and Children - when will this be over?!
Additional topics:
Trauma Informed Care
Understanding the impact of ACEs ( Adverse Childhood Experiences)
The 5 Protective Factors that Strengthen Families