Mindful v. Mind Full
What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create." ~ Buddha
Starting a new school year can be stressful! We anticipate the pressures that often co-occur with periods of transition, such as academic stress and forming of new friendships. However, when we embrace moments of change, we also open ourselves up to new possibilities and personal growth. When we maintain an open-minded stance towards change, we allow ourselves to thrive on a more personal level and to forage a new path that supports the future we each envision.
The question becomes, how do we remain conscious and adapt in an ever-changing world? The answer is MINDFULNESS! Change is constant, yet as individuals we have the power of personal thought that allows us to embrace and navigate change that surrounds us. Our brains are hard-wired to be adaptable, to learn and reorganize information that supports our ability to transform belief systems and resulting actions.
"Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us." - Mindful.org
Where does one begin? Here are 5 tips to get you started on your journey in practicing daily mindfulness!
1. Practice self-care!
Self-care is an important part of looking after our well-being and helps prevent us from reaching points of distress. Everyone has different needs that may include physical (ex. sleep), emotional (ex. special interests), social (ex. spending time alone or with friends), as well as sensory (ex. wearing comfy clothing).
2. Engaging the Wise Mind.
Our wise mind combines both logical and emotional mind and is best used when making decisions, responding to change, communicating wants and needs, as well as when seeking balance. We engage our wise mind when we observe what is happening around us without judgement or criticism, and instead approach life with curiosity and compassion.
3. Self Check-In
Checking in with ourselves daily allows us to identify our needs in the moment and to then respond in a way that implements self-care and wise mind. Some questions to ask yourself may include:
How is my mood?
Am I tired, energetic, or average?
Am I breathing fast or slow?
Am I able to concentrate or am I distracted?
Do I have tension or pain in my body?
4. Exercise your mind.
Mindful eating involves choosing a food that allows you to explore using your sense of taste, smell, touch, sight, and even sound.
Observe your environment and use it as a grounding tool. Focus on your surroundings by naming objects that you see, patterns on the rug, number of tiles in the ceiling, ways in which corners connect, etc.
Mindfully listen to music by focusing your attention on the layers of music, complexities, and instrumental sounds.
Witness your thoughts. Create space to acknowledge your thoughts, without suppression or judgement. Imagine that your thoughts are a cloud simply passing by.
5. Live in the moment.
When we remain present in the moment, the result is better health, improved relationships, and overall self-control. This allows us to be fully in touch with reality. It is best accomplished when we focus on one thing at a time, feel emotions deeply, and pause social media.
Remember..."You can steer yourself in any direction you choose." ~ Dr. Seuss